Founded in 2000 upon recruiting graduate students, Institute of Environmental Planning and Management (IEPM) primarily served as an extension institute of the Environmental Engineering division of Civil Engineering Department.
The Ph.D. program in Institute of Engineering Technology began to recruit students that majored in Environmental Planning and Management. Due to the demand for working professionals in related fields, the IEPM master program for part-time students began in 2001.
The Institute was renamed as "Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management" (IEEM).
The IEEM started an independent Ph.D. program directly under the Institute in addition to the Ph.D. program in the Institute of Engineering Technology. Official recruitment began in 2012.
IEEM moved from the west campus to the Everlight Building in the east campus of Taipei Tech in 2014.
Education on environmental planning and management that leads to bring up students to be out- standing high-tech. engineers
Research on innovative environmental technologies to solve global environmental problem, and to meet the criteria of environmental sustainability based on engineering background.
Development on systematic management including practical automonitoring and computerized planning that promote graduated students’ knowledge for the environmental benefit of current and future generations.
Striving and realization are the essential education characteristics of the Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management (IEEM). Based on engineering background, the IEEM offers a series of education programs, including (1) Environmental Pollution and Control Technology (2) Resources Circulation and Net-Zero Sustainability, and (3) Sustainable Systems Engineering and Management. Associated with the general courses of civil and environmental engineerings, some special topics are also provided, such as environmental geographic system, computerized planning, sustainable development indicators (SDI), and system of integrated environmental management.
The vision of the IEEM is of a life-suitable environment. Thereby, what the available courses are expectable to fulfill the requirements of environmental sustainability. All the course programs arranged by the IEEM can promote a graduated student’s knowledge for research and coming job.